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6. The moment in which this Ohio athlete stopped to help an injured competitor across the finish line during a track meet.

The moment in which this Ohio athlete stopped to help an injured competitor across the finish line during a track meet.

17-year-old Meghan Vogel was in last place in the 3,200-meter run when she caught up to competitor Arden McMath, whose body was giving out. Instead of running past her to avoid the last-place finish, Vogel put McMath's arm around her shoulders, carried her 30 meters, and then pushed her over the finish line before crossing it.

Läs alla händelser här.

Postat av: boosse

Det finns en gnutta hopp trots allt! Hoppas att du har haft en mysig midsommar! kram

2012-06-22 @ 22:17:51
URL: http://boosses.blogg.se/

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